The individuals listed below are recognized pastors, scholars, and teachers of Bible prophecy and eschatology (study of end-times) who also belong to various denominations.  Also listed here are those from pseudo-Christian organizations (so-called Christian groups that adhere to doctrines outside mainstream Christianity). This comprehensive list of individuals will help you identify sound teaching on Bible prophecy and prophecy topics.  Some have devoted their entire lives to teaching Bible prophecy.  Not all are always in agreement, and not all are sound in their doctrines.  There are many good prophecy teachers, some should be avoided. Please don't confuse this list with those who claim to be prophets or those with prophetic revelations, dreams, visions or other so-called inspired prophecies.
We are slowly adding general Bible teachers to this safety list - the Rapture Ready team.

The pre-millennial and pre-tribulation views are the most widely held in Bible prophecy.  These views are the most literal approach to prophecy, and are sometimes called the futurist view, which claims there will be a literal future 7-year tribulation period followed by a 1000-year reign of Jesus Christ on earth.  As well, the rapture of the Church will precede the tribulation period, and is a separate event from the Second Coming of Jesus Christ at the end of the tribulation period.  Additionally, the Church and Israel have distinct and unique roles in the end-times, and the events described in the book of Revelation are still to come.  These positions are often attacked by liberal denominations and the cults, while a majority of conservative denominations accept these views of the end-times.
The post-tribulation view blends the rapture and the Second Coming into a single event at the end of the tribulation period.  Many who hold to this theological concept often adhere to the historicist view which contends that Bible prophecy spans the time from the end of the first century A.D. through the Second Coming of Christ (yet future).   In a nutshell, historicists believe that the events of Revelation are a symbolic outline of Church history, taking place over a 2000 year period of time, ending at the Second Coming.  Followers of this theology generally tend toward a more liberal and/or allegorical view of prophecy, though some combine both literal and allegorical viewpoints.  For example, a majority of self-proclaimed prophets hold to a post-tribulation rapture view, as do leaders of most pseudo-Christian cults.  Many liberal denominations also accept this view. 
The preterist view takes the historicist position further.  Preterism contends that most, if not all major prophetic events have already been fulfilled in history.  The term preterist means "already fulfilled."  This view discredits the biblical importance of Israel and those Christians who stand with Israel.  This is best described as an ecumenical view, which also contends that the book of Revelation was mostly fulfilled in events leading up to and including the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.  This position is held by many in Covenant, Reformed and Catholic theologies.  They would be most critical of this website, as they do not usually accept a literal earthly fulfillment of Bible prophecy.  This view is closely tied to dominionism (the idea that society should be governed by the law of God).  There are other variations to this theology, such as the "partial preterist" which hold the same beliefs as other preterists, except for last couple of chapters in the book of Revelation, which they suggest are yet to be fulfilled.


The "apple" rating is for teaching of Bible prophecy, Christian doctrine, and lifestyle, not for individual ministries or personal lives of those listed.  Some listed here teach sound Bible prophecy, but do not support conservative Christian doctrine.  Their teachings on other important Bible doctrines should not be confused with our prophecy comments.  "Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom.  And in all your getting, get understanding."  Proverbs 4:7
Good Apple = excellent prophecy teacher, sound doctrine.
Caution Apple = fair prophecy teacher, some questionable doctrine.
Bad Apple = avoid this teacher's messages and prophecy doctrines. 


John Ankerberg  Director of the Ankerberg Theological Research Institute, he produces and hosts the nationally televised program "John Ankerberg Show," defending Biblical positions on topics such as the occult, false religions, sin, prophecy and the end times.  His website, johnankerberg.com, is a ministry tool containing over 1,500 articles in defense of Biblical positions on currents issues.  Holding numerous degrees, he is also a minister and former pastor.  He has authored and co-authored over 65 books dealing with the end-times, false religions and the New Age.

Herbert W. Armstrong Late founder of the Worldwide Church of God (WCG), originally the Radio Church of God.  The organization produced the "Plain Truth" magazine and the "World Tomorrow" radio and TV programs.  His theology was rooted in Seventh-Day Adventism, and he taught the false doctrine of British-Israelism.  He was the self-proclaimed "apostle" of the "only true church on earth,"  with an emphasis on linking Bible prophecy to contemporary world events.  He regularly predicted specific times for the return of Christ when previous predictions failed.  A similar church was founded by his late son, Garner Ted Armstrong, who was the self-proclaimed "Ezekiel Watchman" (main prophetic spokesman for God on earth).  
Kay Arthur Founder of Precepts Ministries International (with her husband Jack), an inductive Bible study ministry.  She has written books for both adults and children on the study of Bible prophecy.  She is a busy conference speaker, radio and television host, author, teacher and researcher. Kay has been leaning towards the contemplative movement. Listen with caution.
Doug Batchelor Prestigious defender of Seventh-Day Adventism, host of the popular "Amazing Facts" television program.  Also hosts "Bible Answers Live" radio show.  Many of his prophecy teachings are rejected by mainstream prophecy scholars and teachers.  He, and other Adventists use "bait and switch" tactics at highly-publicized prophecy seminars (after many hours of prophetic teaching, participants are eventually told they will receive the "mark of the beast" if they don't convert to a Seventh-Day Adventist).  

Larry Bates Popular radio personality and economist who speaks of a dismal future for all Americans due to our deeply flawed monetary system.  He is an author, prophecy conference speaker and radio host of "News and Views."  His radio show (co-hosted with Chuck Bates) is educational and informative for Christians particularly on financial, economic and government topics.  He is very intelligent, and has many good things to say, but these important topics can be overshadowed by excessive alarmism, which ties into end-times and survival hysteria.  He offers an excellent monthly newsletter entitled, "Unraveling The New World Order" at his website inforadionet.com.
Irvin Baxter, Jr. Unique views of prophecy, says they are "his" theories.  Has many good and bad ideas.  He believes we are now living in the midst of the sixth trumpet of Revelation 9, and we may soon witness the annihilation of 2 billion people.  The fifth trumpet he claims began in 1991 when Saddam Hussein (Saddam means "the destroyer") set Kuwaiti oil fields on fire, and ended with Saddam's execution in December 2006.  He claims Saddam and the fires are described in Revelation 9.  Mainstream scholars consider that absurd.  He is host of the popular radio program, "Religion and Politics," and is founder of Endtime Ministries.  He does have a correct view on Israel's role in history, and correctly argues against preterism.  He is affiliated with the United Pentecostal Church which denies the Trinity and believes its methods are the only true way to salvation.
Allen Beechick A foremost teacher on the theology of the pre-tribulation rapture, he has written books and articles on the topic.  He authors "The Rapture Solution, Putting the Puzzle Together" at rapturesolution.com where he lists seven reasons why the rapture cannot come after the tribulation period.  He also provides answers to the false views of pretersim.
Shawn Boonstra  Canadian-born director of the Seventh-Day Adventist's "It Is Written" international television program, his teaching is focused on "unlocking" the signs of the end-times.  As with all SDA prophecy teaching, his focus is on the books of Daniel and Revelation.  Following the strategies of other popular SDA prophecy teachers, he also produces a graphical instructional series on DVD.  His production is called "Signs of the Appearing," which is also sold as a "graduate course," found at www.unlockthesigns.com.  Great artwork isn't great prophecy teaching.  
John Bradshaw  A Seventh-Day Adventist from New Zealand, he uses clever advertising to attract people for an evening prophecy seminar that is really a week-long indoctrination.  He teaches that Sunday worshippers are the mark of the beast, and those who attend the complete series will be told that the Seventh-day Adventist denomination is the "one true church of Christ."  All other denominations are labeled "Babylon" or the "harlot daughters of Babylon" and called false churches.  Those who attend these meetings will be called to "come out of Babylon" into the Seventh-Day Adventist denomination.
Dave Breese  Late host of "The King is Coming" program (now hosted by Ed Hindson), was founder of Christian Destiny, Inc. and World Prophetic Ministry (WPM).  Just before his passing, he also hosted the television program with Dr. Tim LaHaye.  He was an author, outstanding speaker, broadcaster, debater and teacher.  He was one of the first Bible prophecy teachers to reveal how secular philosophies would grow as evil strongholds in schools, businesses, homes, churches and governments. 
William Marrion Branham Considered one of the most controversial revival preachers of the 20th century, he was not only a self-proclaimed prophet, but also gave his expertise on Bible prophecy.  In early 1963 he preached a set of sermons which he claimed marked the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy.  He later stated the following events took place over a 7-day period in 1963:  Revelation 4, 5, and 10:1-7 were fulfilled; the seven seals of Revelation were opened (not physically); the times of the Gentiles ended; the opportunity to be saved by grace ended; and the rapture and the Second Coming of Christ secretly occurred followed by Christ's image appearing in an Arizona cloud.  Obviously his views were distorted and riddled with errors, yet still today many accept him as a true prophet of God.
Harold Camping President of Family Radio, he teaches that God has done away with the Church, and he maintains that the Holy Spirit has left the Church which has no power to proclaim the gospel.  He calls his followers to flee churches and form fellowships around his teachings.  His allegorical interpretations of Bible prophecy are well known.  He is famous for his failed prophecy concerning the return of Christ in 1994, and has predicted the end of the world in 2011.  He claims that the two witnesses in Revelation 11:3 are the church, and the rapture occurs on judgment day.  Having written over 30 books and booklets, he is the epitome of a heretic and a false prophet.
Joseph Chambers Produces "The End Times" prophecy newsletter, and "Prophetic News Alerts" at pawcreek.org, both of which contain informative articles on subjects of Bible prophecy and the rapture.  He is a pastor, author, scholar, conference speaker and member of the Pre-Trib Study Group.
David Chilton Late hero of the preterist movement.  A liberal reformation theologian, he published articles and wrote books defending his brand of eschatology.  He had once stated that the book of Revelation was not about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.  One critic wrote, "He is indeed a heretic who has denied the Church's historic creeds and confessions on the question of the Second Coming of Christ and the Final Judgment."  He was just 46 when he died of a heart attack.
J.R. Church  Host of "Prophecy in the News" television program (co-hosted with Gary Stearman) focusing on current prophetic events.  He has authored many books on Bible prophecy, publishes "Prophecy in the News" magazine, and has one of the longest reigns in Christian television.  The ministry offers various publications and prophecy related resources at prophecyinthenews.com. Sensational in his materials and predicts what does not come to pass.
Charles Clough A well-respected Bible scholar with a scientific background, he is a sought-after speaker and teacher.  He has written specifically on God's pattern of judgment in Bible prophecy, and is an expert on interpreting Biblical text for the end-times.  He shows that reconstructionists like Gary DeMar are guilty of interpretive inconsistency, such as declaring days and years in Genesis to be literal, yet days and years in Revelation as figurative.  He is a professor, researcher, author and conference speaker.
Larry W. Cockerham Founder of Prophecy Forum Website Ministries at prophecyforum.com, he is also editor of Prophecy Forum Newsletter, a monthly eZine containing Bible studies and news headlines.  He is a pastor, author, speaker and a teacher of Bible prophecy, typology and related studies.
Ray Comfort Ray teaches evangelism as a main reason the Christian church exists but many of the evangelistic methods used by the church over the last century have produced more false conversions to Christianity than true ones. The key component Comfort uses is the "Moral Law of God" (the Ten Commandments) to address evidence of sin in the lives of his listeners before presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ to them. Ray realizes this method led him to formulate two sermons entitled "Hell's Best Kept Secret" and "True and False Conversions." Ray currently speaks at many churches and evangelism seminars, including Worldview Weekend events, and also preaches most Saturday afternoons in Huntington Beach, California. As well as co-hosting the former The Way of the Master Radio, he has been, together with Kirk Cameron, co-host of The Way of the Master Television Show. Ray recently became the "Creationism Examiner" on The Examiner.
Robert Congdon A leading expert on the European Union and the Bible, he uniquely teaches about the coming Antichrist's religion and compares it to similar doctrines of today.  He is founder of the Internet Bible Institute and President of Congdon Ministries International at internetbibleinstitute.com.  He began his ministry when he realized in the last 50 years British churches had seen a militant attack upon premillennialism doctrine and the literal, historical and grammatical Bible (hermeneutic) interpretation.  He observed that as churches turned from a premillennial doctrinal view of prophecy to an amillennial-covenant position, they lost their sense of purpose and direction.
Mal Couch Has written extensively against the preterist and post-trib rapture positions; is an intelligent speaker on prophecy topics.  He is founder and past president of Tyndale Theological Seminary.  He has authored many books, and has written and produced dozens of television documentaries related to current events and Bible prophecy.  He is a member of the Pre-Trib Study Research Group founded by Tim LaHaye and Thomas Ice.
Fred R. Coulter Founded the Christian Biblical Church of God (CBCG) in 1983 after he broke off from the Worldwide Church of God in 1979.  He claims that his organization teaches directly from the Scriptures and not from traditions of men.  He speaks regularly on end-times events, teaches from the traditions of Seventh-Day Adventists (Sabbath keeping), and claims the Jews in Israel today are not the same as the Jews described in the Bible.  He has studied Greek for many years, and in 2009 published the Second Edition of "The Holy Bible In Its Original Order."  Apparently the present order, inspired by the Holy Spirit, is not quite right.  He also claims the Trinity is a false doctrine.
Robert L. Dean With academic training in Greek, Hebrew, theology, philosophy and history, he studies and teaches the Bible from the original languages.  He is a sought after Bible prophecy teacher and speaker both in the United States and overseas.  He speaks regularly at prophecy conferences, and is director of deanbible.org offering seminar courses and various media downloads.
Gary DeMar A reformation preterist and historian, he has published several books.  He has difficulty with anything labeled "end-times" which he calls "madness," in one of his books, and thus is a sincere prophecy teacher sincerely wrong.  He has had debates with scholars like Dr. Tommy Ice.  On a positive note, he is an excellent speaker on religion in government and politics, and is a great defender of the faith.  He is editor of Biblical Worldview magazine, and president of American Vision at americanvision.org.
Jimmy DeYoung  Middle East expert, journalist, conference speaker, teacher and founder of Prophecy Today ministries.  Devotes several months of the year to conference ministry.  As a part of his ministry, he has written and produced several audio and video materials on Bible prophecy.  Host of "Prophecy Today" radio program. Does not believe anyone can be saved during the tribulation period.
Frank DiMora  Having written the book "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth," he suggests the last world kingdom will be a revived Islamic Roman Empire.  In short, the kingdom that ushers in the Antichrist will be from the Eastern part of the old Roman Empire which make up the Muslim nations of today.  He closely watches the world scene, and posts prophecy signs at frankdimora.typepad.com.  
David Dolan He is a broadcast journalist (formerly Jerusalem-based), having served as news director at the Voice of Hope radio station in war-torn southern Lebanon.  From Jerusalem he reported for various Christian networks and for the CBS radio network, covering the immigration of Soviet Jews to Israel.  Having lived in Israel for more than 25 years, he has been near suicide bombings, developed relationships with various Israeli political and military leaders, and has become an expert on Israel and the Middle East.  He has authored and co-authored books on Israel and the end-times, including a recent combination current events-biblical prophecy book.  He authors the monthly newsletter "Israel News Digest," and is an exciting conference speaker.  He offers email updates at ddolan.com. 
Lambert Dolphin Physicist, instructor, researcher and author.  Has visited Israel dozens of times and has an extensive background in the historical study of Bible prophecy.  States that one of the great, lasting effects of visiting Israel is that any ideas one has that the Bible is myth or legend, and not history, are quickly dispelled.  He publishes his library at ldolphin.org.
Russell Doughten, Jr. A name that may not be immediately familiar, he is considered the father of prophecy movies.  During the 1970s and 1980s he produced and directed numerous Christian short films and feature-length prophecy movies.
Scot A. Dryer He is an international teacher of Bible prophecy, terrorism and the Arab-Israeli conflict.  He has thousands of hours of study devoted to the history of the conflicts in the Middle East from a Biblical perspective, and believes the scriptures point to a Syrian Antichrist and a Persian/Iranian False Prophet.  He wrongly contends the rapture does not occur until the end of the tribulation period, but does correctly argue that Christ will reign a literal 1000 years.  He is an author, speaker and founder of profoundprophecy.com.
Daymond Duck An advocate for helping lay people understand prophecy, he is a best-selling author of "easy to understand" prophecy books.  He is a pastor, conference speaker, prophecy expert and defender of the pre-tribulation rapture.
Michael D. Evans An evangelist and award-winning syndicated journalist, he has served as a confidant to leaders in the Middle East for more than two decades.  He has appeared on hundreds of network television and radio shows, has won more than fifteen national awards for his prime time specials based on his 31 books and five New York Times Bestsellers.  He has also produced 18 documentaries, many on Bible prophecy.  His mission is "to guard, defend and protect the Jewish people...until the redeemer comes to Zion."  He correctly theorizes that America is risking God's wrath by not supporting God's mandate that Israel have full control of Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza, and that many of America's problems, including 9/11, are evidence of God's fury that America doesn't fully support Israel.  He is founder of jerusalemprayerteam.org and the Jerusalem Report newsletter.
John S. Feinberg A professor and department chair of Biblical and Systematic Theology, he is also general editor of Crossway's Foundations of Evangelical Theology series.  He has authored and co-authored several books, and written scholarly papers on Bible prophecy and the rapture.  He explains "who must prove what and how" about the timing of the rapture in 2 Thessalonians 2, and provides clear evidence from Scripture why the pretribulational position best explains the problems and issues students of the Bible sometimes have in those passages.
Les Feldick A popular television evangelist and Bible teacher, he is one of the best-studied scholars of today. He teaches without notes, using only the Bible as his guide.  At times he can be misinterpreted because he is not always methodical, but his plain sense reading from the Word is the clearest technique he knows.  He teaches extensively on Bible prophecy, particularly on Daniel and Revelation, and he claims that Jesus never gave any hint to the rapture because His earthly ministry was directed solely to the Jew under the Law.  The rapture was strictly a Pauline revelation, revealed to him personally from our ascended Lord.  He is a pastor, scholar, teacher and conference speaker, and provides his "Through the Bible" instruction and materials at lesfeldick.org.
Gary Fisher Evangelist and founder of Lion of Judah Ministries which circulates a bi-monthly teaching newsletter that tracks current events in relation to Bible prophecy.  The focus of the ministry is to make the soon return of Jesus an unavoidable issue.  He is an author, teacher and speaker, he regularly travels and sponsors trips to Israel, and directs lionofjudahministry.org.

Gerald Flurry Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God, founded in 1989 on the doctrines of the late Herbert W. Armstrong.  Having served under Armstrong as a minister in the Worldwide Church of God before sweeping doctrinal changes, he never wavered.  His wacky prophecy teaching continues on "The Key of David" television broadcast, through the monthly magazine, "The Philadelphia Trumpet," and via booklets.  He claims, "God placed me into the office of a prophet," and "I am intimate with God in a way no one else is directly."  He also states, "In fact, 'king' and 'counselor' apply to the office I hold."  He probably eats manna too.  
Michael Ford  He contends there is not one book of the Bible that does not have some prophetic aspects to it, though some teachers try to ignore Bible prophecy, focusing only on Jesus.  He correctly suggests that those who commit the error of believing prophecy is unimportant is easily refuted when considering the book of Revelation, which is the only book in the Bible that promises a blessing just for reading it (Revelation 1:3).  Because Bible prophecy is history written in advance, people tend to shy away from teaching the topic.  He contends the letters to the seven Churches were written to real churches that existed at the time, but also the sequence of the letters is an outline of the general condition of the Church in seven divisions of what we call the Church Age. He is director of jonsquillministries.org and is an astute scholar, teacher, author and pastor.
Charlene Fortsch  Raised as a Canadian Seventh-Day Adventist, she wrote a book on understanding the four visions of Daniel.  She claims her book reveals the simple and perfect structure of Daniel.  She points out that prophetic rules of interpretation (hermeneutics) are followed very consistently throughout all of Daniel's four visions, and that hermeneutics are developed from the Bible itself, useful in any denomination.  She believes there are many different definitions for the rapture, and considers the pre-tribulation rapture a "wholly unscriptural secret event."
Alan Franklin He has been a British journalist since 1964, and recently a chief reporter and editor of a journal serving a quarter of a million readers in southeast England.  He is a Bible prophecy teacher and expert on the cults.  As a British Christian versed in prophecy he could not help but see in the emerging European Superstate as the foundations of a one world government with a one world dictator at its head, the man whose Biblical names include "the Beast," "the man of sin" and "the Antichrist."  He calls this "The New Unholy Roman Empire."  He is an author, teacher, speaker and writer.
Gary Frazier Considered one of today's top prophecy scholars with an emphasis on the Middle East, he has traveled to Israel more than 150 times since the early 1970's.  He is founder of Discovery Ministries, Inc.  He is a professor, author and sought-after speaker on the subject of Bible prophecy.  He often speaks on Christian radio and television programs.
Arno Froese Editor of Midnight Call, a critically-acclaimed monthly prophecy magazine published in several languages.  His extensive travels to the Middle East have contributed to his keen insight into Bible prophecy from an international perspective.  He has written many books on prophetic topics, including the digital age, the rapture and the Antichrist.  He is an author, speaker, and is executive director of Midnight Call Ministries and midnightcall.com.
Arnold Fruchtenbaum A Jewish Christian who has committed many years focused on Bible prophecy from an informed Jewish perspective.  He has written a number of books and scholarly articles, including topics like premillennialism in the Old Testament, and a Messianic Jewish defense of Jesus as Messiah.  He is founder and director of Ariel Ministries and ariel.org which focuses on evangelizing Jews.  He is a speaker, teacher, scholar and author. Plays down the KJV and supports the Nehilim theory
Mark A. Gabriel He is the author of more than half a dozen books on Islam.  He has been a guest expert and speaker at many prophecy conferences, having a vast knowledge of Islamic history.  He relates today's events to the end-times, and he understands the role Satan plays in today's Muslim extremism.  He is an author, speaker and researcher.
Ray Gano Executive Director of Prophezine, he organizes prophecy conferences, performs interviews, and offers prophecy related material at prophezine.com.  He hosts PZ Radio, a podcast offering Bible prophecy and world events commentary.  As well, he hosts Prophezine's "This Week in Bible Prophecy" online.
Anne T. Garcia Using the name Teresa Garcia for her media broadcasts, she is a well-studied author and speaker.  She has mastered the use of graphs, charts and time-lines backed up with scriptural references to help the everyday person, not the theological scholar, understand Bible prophecy.  She hosts the radio and television program, "Understanding the End of the Age."  She is an author, speaker and teacher, and directs fromthehidden.com. 
Kenneth Gentry Developed post-millennial preterism, a newer, often confusing view of Bible prophecy.  He once stated, "If you're familiar with the Apostles Creed, it simply says Christ is coming again and doesn't tell us much about it.  So that generally was the earliest Church's description of eschatology."  Apparently the apostle John, who wrote the book of Revelation by authority of Jesus Christ, had no input on the subject?
Al Gist

He is evangelist and founder of Maranatha Evangelistic Ministries at maranathaevangelisticministries.com, a Bible-based, pastor-oriented, Christ-centered ministry of faith. His ministry places a strong emphasis on God's prophetic word, or the teaching and preaching of our Lord's soon return.  He believes in a literal, plain sense approach to Bible prophecy.  He uses modern-day technology and visuals showing that fulfillment of Bible prophecy is one of the best evangelistic tools available to the Church today, which serves to convince the skeptic that the Bible truly is the supernatural Word of God.

Frank Gonzalez

After several years teaching at two Spanish Bible Institutes and a strong desire to help others understand Bible prophecy, he concluded events in the book of Revelation could be best explained in chronological order.  That led to the writing of his book "Revelation of the Christ" including an online version at revelationofthechrist.com.  He gladly boasts Matthew 6:21, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." 

Phillip Goodman Host of "Prophecy Watch" television program, he is an author, teacher, speaker, and president of Thy Kingdom Come, Inc.  He produces "Prophecy-In-Pictures," an internet teaching ministry at prophecywatch.com, and edits the bi-monthly, "Spirit of Prophecy" news-magazine.  He conducts the Annual Tulsa International Prophecy Conference, and is an excellent teacher of the basics of Bible prophecy.
Ron Graff Author, pastor and teacher of Bible prophecy for over 30 years including the subjects of eschatology, technology, Israel and world affairs.  Was a pioneer in the field of educational computer software, producing the first commercially available educational products for microcomputers, starting in 1997.  He is a co-author, and he is also author of "The Prophecy Puzzle," a Windows based electronic book, and offers prophecy insights at "Prophecy Central" on bible-prophecy.com.
Robert Gundry One of the few ever booted out of the Evangelical Theological Society because of his use of a liberal Reformed approach to the New Testament called "redaction criticism."  A very smart person who has attempted to intellectualize the Scriptures and Bible prophecy, but is not consistent.  For example, once being dispensational and pre-tribulational, he turned against the pre-tribulation rapture view, then developed a new confusing type of post-tribulationism called "dispensational post-tribulationism."  Now that's a mouthful.
John C. Hagee President of John Hagee Ministries, founder and pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas which telecasts his global radio and television ministry.  He has authored several books on Bible prophecy, is an excellent teacher, makes use of large charts when teaching prophecy, and is a proponent of last-days awareness and the coming rapture.  His ministry has given millions of dollars toward bringing Soviet Jews from the former Soviet Union to Israel.  However, one major error has been his support of Dual Covenant Theology which says the Jews have their own special covenantal relationship with God and can therefore be saved by observing the laws of the Torah.  Simply stated, Jews will be welcomed into heaven even if they deny Jesus as the Messiah.  This pluralistic view is unbiblical, and is the position of many Catholics and non-evangelicals.
Jeremy Hall A well-studied Bible prophecy teacher and lecturer, he is a conference speaker and author of many articles found at the Canadian ministry BereanWatchmen and bereanwatchmen.com.  He hosts a prophecy conference in Saskatoon, SK, Canada annually where he offers several presentations, and has many guest Bible prophecy experts seen on this list.  He also speaks at churches and prophecy conferences throughout the year.
Hendrik (Hank) Hanegraaff Dutch-born host of the popular "Bible Answer Man" radio broadcast.  Chairman of Christian Research Institute International (CRI).  Excellent defender of the faith when it comes to cults, evolution and the New Age.  However, he is one of the most outspoken critics of the pre-tribulation rapture.  He is a model preterist, and loves to use deep theological terms when defending his position on air.  A well known author and speaker, he has written many books.  However, scholars take issue with his eschatology, with some calling it "strange theology."  Sadly, various Christian media have reported his past to be riddled with accusations of misuse of ministry funds, excessive pay to himself and his spouse, poor treatment of employees, and his controversial takeover of CRI.
Jonathan Hansen Founder and President of World Ministries International (WMI) and world-ministries.org.  Produces the radio and television program "Warning" which gives political, religious and economic warnings to the world.  He is a self-proclaimed prophet of God, claims to be 100% accurate (they all do), and says he has received specific prophecies to more than 30 nations.  He states the Church is in need of the true prophetic voice of God (him) for this last hour, and the life of a prophet (him) is of hardship and suffering, loneliness and rejection.  Another doomsday prophet who rejects the pre-tribulation rapture, his radio program might as well be named "Tribulation."
Kade Hawkins He is an expert on Islamic eschatology in light of Bible prophecy, and is the founder of Prophecy News Watch at prophecynewswatch.com, a website that specializes in Biblical prophecy in the news.  He also offers a newsletter on prophetic events happening today.  He is Canadian Director of Koinonia House Ministries (founded by Chuck & Nancy Missler). 
Patrick Heron Irish scholar, author and teacher.  He has written books on the end-times, and is one of the few theologians to define the Nephilim (fallen angels) in the Old Testament, and their impact during the tribulation period.  A strong supporter of the pre-tribulation rapture, he is a conference speaker and radio personality, and host of nephilimapocalypse.com.  Because he is relatively unknown in America, he is sometimes a featured guest on secular radio programs, allowing him to share Bible prophecy to an often unreachable audience.
Ed Hindson President of World Prophetic Ministry, he also hosts the television program "The King is Coming."  He is a professor, researcher, scholar, theologian, author and conference speaker.  He was former Dean of the School of Religion at Liberty University, and still continues to teach.  He is a prolific writer, and goes to great lengths to remind the reader to always distinguish between fact, assumption, and speculation.  He is known for his academic excellence, for being a practical teacher and a prominent author.
Mark Hitchcock He has earned himself a reputation as one of the most sought-after authorities in Bible prophecy for this present generation.  He has written more than a dozen easy-to-read books on topics that clarify Biblical prophecy for the general reader.  He is a conference speaker, pastor, author, teacher, scholar and lawyer.
David Hocking A pastor and Bible teacher for over 40 years, he is an authority on Bible prophecy.  He has authored over 30 books and hosts the daily radio broadcast "Hope for Today."  Known as a Pro-Israeli, Zionist Evangelical Christian, he strongly supports Israel and has authored a number of commentaries on the subject.
Kenneth Humphries He is an Irish Pastor for Treasured Truth Today Ministries.  As an evangelist, he is in partnership with fellow Irish Pastor Jack Anderson, where they preach the pre-millennial, pre-tribulation coming of the Lord Jesus to the air for His own Redeemed people, and the need for living in the light of the Lord near return.  They are teachers, speakers, and they produce multimedia sermons at treasuredtruthtoday.org.
Dave Hunt Has authored or co-authored more than 30 books dealing with incursion into Western culture, religion, and the Church itself, including Eastern philosophies, New Age thinking, ecumenism between Catholics and Protestants, and other heretical teachings. He tackles these controversial topics with much vigor.  He is a great Bible prophecy teacher, and believes the Catholic church is the woman who rides the beast in Revelation 17.  He has numerous speaking engagements worldwide, is a frequent radio and TV talk-show guest, and has engaged in many debates with Catholic apologists.  He has a free monthly newsletter, "The Berean Call."
Noah Hutchings President, host and aged voice of the Southwest Radio Church broadcast.  Respected author, pastor, long-time prophecy teacher and "Your Watchman on the Wall."  Likes to tackle government conspiracies and fringe topics which can be too much for some, but makes strong cases on his programs.  Publishes "The Prophetic Observer" magazine, and offers webcasts on swrc.com.
Thomas Ice He is executive director of The Pre-Trib Research Center, and is very intelligent and well qualified, having earned his PhD in systematic theology, specializing in eschatology.  He is an author, and a prolific writer of articles and commentaries on Bible prophecy and the defense of the pre-tribulation rapture.  He is a pastor, scholar, theologian and professor.  He speaks and debates at several conferences annually.

Harry A. Ironside He was a Canadian-American Bible scholar, theologian, lecturer, teacher, preacher, pastor, and author in the late 19th- and early 20th centuries.  He published many commentaries and Bible teaching pamphlets, and is well known for his outstanding expository teaching on the book of Revelation (long before the establishment of Israel), still referenced by Bible prophecy students and teachers today.  He also developed an accompanying chart on Revelation that can be found on permanent display at various churches for the instruction of their members.

W. Terry James Has authored more than a dozen books on prophecy, and he is considered an authority on current events related to the end-times.  He is co-founder of raptureready.com, the most popular Bible prophecy website on the internet.  Though mostly blind, he has written dozens of articles, speaks at conferences, and is a pastor, teacher and scholar.

Grant Jeffrey A Canadian scholar blessed with an incredible grasp of world events and their relation to prophecy, he is a brilliant scholar, researcher, teacher and author.  He leans toward the more sensational aspects of Christianity, has written many books, and has produced various materials on Bible prophecy topics at grantjeffrey.com.  He once mistakenly predicted the timing of the Second Coming from correlating data on recurring cycles of ancient Israel, but did admit he could be wrong.  He also made a series of mathematical errors in his book "The Signature of God."  He is passionate about research and has a personal library of over 7,000 books on prophecy, theology, church history and biblical archeology.  He is host of the television broadcast "Bible Prophecy Revealed," and is chairman of Frontier Research Publications, Inc., a leading publisher of books, tapes and videos.
Jerry B. Jenkins The former vice president for publishing Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, and the former editor of Moody Magazine, he is the author of more than 160 books, including the popular Left Behind series which he co-authored with Dr. Tim LaHaye.  He owns Jenkins Entertainment, a filmmaking company, and also owns the Christian Writers Guild.  He is a sought after author and speaker, and is a Christian humorist.
David Jeremiah Founder of Turning Point radio and television ministries, he teaches on many subjects, including family, culture, the New Age, and Bible prophecy.  A major point of disagreement with many scholars is his contention that only the Jews will have the opportunity to be saved during the tribulation period.  He is a pastor, author, teacher, lecturer and highly sought-after conference speaker.  He offers several resources on prophecy and Christian topics at turningpointonline.org.
Stan Johnson Head of The Prophecy Club, one of the most error prone prophetic ministries today, complete with a mix charismania, sensationalism and speculation replacing Biblical truth.  Featured speakers make bizarre claims and predictions, and some have falsely predicted the start of the tribulation.  Typical for these types of ministries, the basis is fear-mongering and manipulation, similar to cults.  He calls himself an apostle, and his wife, Leslie, is a prophetess.  He is also a self-proclaimed prophet, and has produced an anti-rapture book.  Not surprising.
Gary Kah Author, speaker and scholar in his own right, he has a unique ministry of relating current prophetic events to Biblical Christianity and occult teachings of the New Age movement.  He is an expert on the coming one world government (during the tribulation period), and while many liken it to a conspiracy on the fringes of acceptable prophecy teachings, he is rapidly becoming highly respected, and is certainly correct.  He directs Hope For The World at garykah.org.
Jack Kelley A prolific writer, he devotes much of his time to studying and teaching the Bible, and is a gifted expositor of Bible prophecy.  His up-to-date analysis of global prophetic events appear in several articles on his website at gracethrufaith.com.  His articles appear on many internet blogs and newsletters.  He has led a number of pilgrimages to Israel and Jordan, and has written a commentary on Revelation 2-3 which is offered as an eBook.
Jack Kinsella Publisher and editor of "The Omega Letter" at omegaletter.com, a daily intelligence digest presented from a conservative Christian perspective on Bible prophecy.  He was the former head writer for the television program "This Week In Bible Prophecy," and former editor the magazine with the same name.  Since 1994 he has been editor of "The Hal Lindsey Report" (hallindsey.org) and is a contributing editor of "Christian World Report."  He is the author of more than three dozen video documentaries, and is a respected Bible prophecy commentator. 
Bill Koenig White House correspondent, author, expert on Israel, director of Koenig's International News at watch.org and his news service, "World Watch Daily."  His mission is to educate, through truthful, discerning, and frequent commentary, about the significance of current events affecting Israel and our world either directly or indirectly.  He gives clear understanding to the relationship between Israel and Bible prophecy.  He has written a book which details how decisions made by the U.S. government regarding Israel can have serious spiritual implications, short-term and long-term.
Don Koenig No relation to Bill Koenig, he is a writer and author who extensively examines current world events and trends in the Church related to end-times prophecy.  He believes that after the rapture there could be several years before the beginning of the tribulation period.  He founded "The Prophetic Years" website at thepropheticyears.com.
Tim LaHaye He is founder and director of the Pre-Trib Research Center at pre-trib.org.  As the creator and co-writer of the best-selling "Left Behind" fiction book series about the pre-tribulation rapture and subsequent tribulation, he has become a household name in most Christian homes and many non-Christian homes.  He is a pastor, teacher, scholar and prolific author.  Because he has done so much to further interest in Bible prophecy, he is often personally attacked by other so-called Christians and self-proclaimed prophets who disagree.
Peter Lalonde He has been in the business side of Bible prophecy for many years.  During the 1980s he was the host of a program called "This Week in Bible Prophecy," and eventually authored two books.  In the 1990s he left his prophecy ministry and moved into movie production.  He became president of Cloud Ten pictures, and along with his brother Paul produced several end-time films including the movie versions of Tim LaHaye's Left Behind book series.  He was known for relating the general subject of prophecy to the common person, but since becoming a movie maker, he has watered down or removed Bible references on screen.  Sadly, there are claims he appears to have become an ego-centered Hollywood type, having forgotten Jesus' words in Matthew 20:25-28.
Clarence Larkin He was a gifted teacher with an engineering background, and nearly every prophecy teacher of today can claim they obtained their basic prophecy knowledge directly or indirectly from him.  He created amazing Bible prophecy charts in the 1910s which are still used today.  He was insistent on "rightly dividing the Word," and helped explained Bible dispensations to the common person.  His published works are available at larkinestate.com.
Joe Lawendowski Founder and director of the Canadian ministry BereanWatchmen, he organizes prophecy conferences, and authors many online articles found at bereanwatchmen.com.  He is a lecturer, popular speaker, and has extensively studied Biblical eschatology and apologetics.  He is often a guest speaker at churches and prophecy conferences throughout North America. 
Zola Levitt Late teacher of Bible prophecy and the Jewish roots of Christianity.  He was a well known Hebrew Christian, Bible theologian and Middle East commentator, and was thoroughly educated in synagogues.  He produced "Zola Levitt Presents" television program, and founded levitt.com.  A widely published author, he was an outstanding theologian and lecturer who loved to teach and instruct.  He was succeeded by Jeffrey Seif.
David Allen Lewis Late clergyman, author, lecturer Bible teacher, researcher, publisher, and is active in national and international circles in promoting the welfare of the Church, of Israel and the Jewish people.  Having written more than 40 books on Bible prophecy, he has influenced many who have studied eschatology.  He was founder of David Allen Lewis Ministries and davidallenlewis.com.
Hal Lindsey During the early 1980s the New York Times called him the "The Jeremiah of Today," and accredited him with being the best-selling non-fiction author in the world during the 1970s (after reporting only half of the books he had actually sold).  He has also been called the father of modern-day Bible prophecy and remains one of the most well-known names in prophecy.  He is also one of the most verbally attacked prophecy scholars, primarily because he believed the Second Coming would occur in the 1980s for various sound reasons.  He later publicly apologized for anyone possibly led astray.  He is one of the few Christian teachers that has the guts to speak on television a biblical Christian worldview on Islam.  As a theologian, author and speaker, he is an expert on the Middle East, and has written many books on prophecy.  He is host of "The Hal Lindsey Report," a half-hour television news and commentary report, and offers prophecy related material at hallindsey.org.
Dennis Avi Lipkin Also known as Victor Mordecai, he is a foremost expert on Islam and world terrorism.  He has written books on those subjects, and initially used the alias for security reasons.  He is a Christian Israeli-American, loves Bible prophecy, and refers to himself as an Apocalyptic Jew.  He is a journalist, columnist, sought after speaker, and is founder of "Israel Today Magazine."  He is head of the Judeo-Christian Bible Bloc political party called "Gush Hatanakhi" in Hebrew, a coalition of Jewish and Christian candidates running for Israel's Knesset.  Lipkin is briefed on virtually every area of Israeli/Arab relations, and was a ranking officer for 14 years in the Israeli Army Reserves.
James Lloyd Founder of the prophecy-based Christian Media ministry at christianmediadaily.com and  christianmediaresearch.com where he calls pre-trib rapture teachers "rapture cult" liars.  He comes from an entertainment industry family that worked in television production writing commercials and scripts.  He founded a Christian record label and produced records for contemporary Christian music.  He wrote several books on Christian music, and after 20 years of studying Bible prophecy, he started writing prophecy books.  He has written dozens of articles, and has a daily Bible prophecy broadcast called "The Apocalypse Chronicles."  He is the epitome of a pre-trib rapture basher.  He blames pre-tribulation rapture theology as the basis for the present-day "rapture cult" following.  He states, "As an individual with the gift of prophecy, I truly believe the Lord has showed me many things concerning the 'hows' and 'whys' of the end of the age."  Since 1992 he's been regularly predicting the imminent destruction of America.  He now claims the opening of the sixth seal in Revelation has occurred, and the sealing of the remnant is now underway.  His critics suggest it helps his book sales.

John F. MacArthur Jr.

John MacArthur Jr. is an evangelical writer and minister, noted for his radio program entitled Grace to You. John is a fifth-generation pastor, a popular author and conference speaker, and has served as the pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California since 1969, and as the President of The Master's College (and the related The Master's Seminary) in Santa Clarita, California. John is a conservative Baptist, a strong proponent of expository preaching, a dispensationalist and a self-described Calvinist. John describes himself as a "leaky dispensationalist." While he holds to a pre-millennial and pre-tribulational rapture of the church and fulfillment of all the covenant promises made to the Jews at the end of the tribulation, he rejects some of the classic dispensational ideas, such as the Law having no application to the church. Critics claim John's deviation from Reformed eschatology has led to an inconsistent Calvinism or self-contradiction suggesting two people groups of God, two roads to salvation, and the so-called, "Great parenthesis." John is an advocate for the "Lordship Salvation" movement that argues against "Free Grace theology". He states that "you must receive Jesus Christ for who He is, both Lord and Savior, to be truly saved (II Peter 2:20)".  John's views raise controversy within American evangelicalism and is challenged in print by Charles Ryrie and Zane C. Hodges, arguing that John is teaching a lite form of works-based salvation. Excellent teachings, caution on Calvinism and works oriented salvation.
Dave MacPherson His claim to fame was being the very first person to purchase a Disneyland ticket at the age of 22 in July of 1955.  He celebrated Disney's 50th anniversary in 2005 with that honorable mention.  He began to vigorously attack the pre-tribulation rapture in the early 1970s, claiming his historical research showed that a teenage Scottish girl named Margaret Macdonald came up with the idea in the 1830.  This happened when she was a member of the Catholic Apostolic Church.  He claims all writings on the pre-tribulation rapture are full of revisions, cover-ups, altercations, deceptions and confusions.  Summed up, it's a conspiracy.  His books, riddled with errors, have been discredited with lacking historical method.  Being an anti-pretribulationist has become his life's crusade.
Terry J. Malone Author, teacher, pastor, author and founder of calvaryprophecy.com, providing current world events and prophecy updates.  Emphasizes the soon coming seven-year peace treaty with Israel, stays current on global events related to Bible prophecy.
Texe Marrs President of Power of Prophecy Ministries, he is a leading conspiracy guru.  Very intelligent, he has written dozens of books, and was an assistant professor of aerospace studies.  His books are full of conspiracy theories, as he attempts to wrap Bible prophecy around conspiracies in every world event.  Tabloid prophecy at its finest.
Jan Markell Head of  Olive Tree Ministries, Inc., which produces a newsletter internationally titled "Prophetic Views Behind The News."  She has written many books, hosts conferences on current issues, and produces a weekly live radio program, "Understanding the Times."   She also writes for a prominent websites on current events, culture, the Middle East, Bible prophecy, apologetics, politics, the war on terror and discernment issues.
Walter Martin Late founder of the Christian Research Institute (now headed by Hank Hanegraaff), he was best known for his radio program "The Bible Answer Man," and his exceptional debunking of cults.  However, he was not supportive of the pre-tribulation rapture position. Having come from a reformed theology background (post-tribulationist), his views on the rapture and Bible prophecy, unfortunately, were generally allegorical. Great resources on exposing damaging cult groups.
Pat Marvenko Smith One of the most recognized Christian artists, she has illustrated the Book of Revelation from beginning to end, only after realizing that the only way she could do it was with God's guidance. It took constant prayer, extensive research and thousands of hours of hard work.  She heads Revelation Productions and revelationillustrated.com.
Lynn A. Marzulli He is author of the Nephilim trilogy, a fictional book series that sheds the light of Biblical truth on deceptions such as the occult and UFOs, which he sees as part of the end-times prophesied in Revelation, Daniel, and elsewhere in the Bible.  He is a talented musician and author, founder of spiraloflife.com, and has become a respected scholar for his research on the Nephilim (giants mentioned in Genesis 6:4) and Satan's tactics prior to and during the tribulation period.  He states that there are hundreds of UFO sightings weekly around the world, which points to demonic deception on a growing scale.
Thomas McCall   He has written or co-authored ten books, eight of them with Zola Levitt.  He is an expert of Semitic languages, is a researcher, teaches prophecy and archaeology, and is a scholar, theologian, professor and lecturer. 
Don McGee  Founder of Crown & Sickle Ministries (crownandsickle.com), with Bible prophecy is at its core.  After 14 years as a pastor, he saw that congregations hear very little Bible prophecy.  Because of this, he offers to churches and other groups an opportunity to hear a series of intense messages, without sensationalism, dealing solely with the prophetic portion of the Bible and its implications.  He speaks at conferences and on television and radio.
J. Vernon McGee Late teacher and radio host of "Thru the Bible," he was known for his straight talk and no-nonsense approach to the Scriptures.  His teaching style helped to demystify Bible prophecy, and speaking on the final days he noted the rapture was "the next happening in the program of God."  He was a prolific writer, authoring more than 200 books, and was a scholar, pastor and conference speaker.  His broadcasts are still heard throughout the world and at thruthebible.org.
Paul McGuire He is professor of Bible prophecy at Kings College and Seminary, is host of the syndicated Paul McGuire Show, and is a regular commentator on Fox News and CNN.  He has authored more than a dozen books, and often speaks at prophecy conferences.  He is an expert on the end-times, with more info at www.paulmcguire.org.
E. Lonnie Melashenko Another prominent Seventh-Day Adventist, considered an "elder," he is director of "The Voice of Prophecy" radio, Bible school, evangelistic ministry and vop.com.  He was involved with "It Is Written" telecasts and directed prophecy seminars.  He and his four brothers present gospel music concerts throughout North America and are known as the Melashenko Family Singers.  He calls the pre-tribulation rapture the "secret rapture," and says the idea is a "real newcomer" in Christian theology, and doesn't have much of a history or "pedigree."  This is a typical deception taught by Seventh-Day Adventists.  Gospel singer, yes.  Prophecy teacher, no.
Roderick C. Meredith He founded the Global Church of God (GCG) in 1992 which he claimed was the "true church."  He was eventually dismissed over authority issues, and then established the Living Church of God (LCG) in 1998.  He was one of the first five evangelists ordained in 1952 by Herbert W. Armstrong.  Meredith believes God chose him to "re-establish the true church" and that his members are the "spiritual heirs of the original Jerusalem Church of New Testament time."  He denies the doctrine of the Trinity and he follows Armstrong's prophecy teachings.  Members must keep Old Testament laws as part of their salvation.  He hosts a weekly TV program called "Tomorrow's World," and published a magazine by the same name.  Both are used in recruiting potential members for LCG.  
Mike Mickey Founder and host of RaptureAlert.com, he maintains an extensive archive of Bible prophecy article and links, and offers commentary on Prophezine's "This Week in Bible Prophecy" online which reports on important current prophecy topics.  The website also lists important Bible prophecy conferences and other related events.
Chuck Missler Gifted with a superior intellect, he is well known in Bible prophecy circles.  He is executive director of Koinonia House, one of the largest publishers of Christian media (khouse.org), and directs "Steeling the Mind" prophecy conferences annually.  He is a prolific author, teacher, scholar and is host of the Bible study radio broadcast "66/40" (meaning 66 books and 40 authors of the Bible).  He speaks extensively on Bible prophecy and the end-times at various conferences annually.  He served on the board of directors of over a dozen companies and was chairman and CEO of six of them.  He is an honors graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, and participated in the development top-secret military systems.  He served on projects for the former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, former chief of naval operations and former secretary of the treasury.  Supports the Nephilim theory and purgatory.

Arnold Murray He is pastor of Shepherd's Chapel in Gravette, Arkansas, with over 200 television stations carrying his teaching program.  He claims to have no affiliation with any religious group or denomination.  He denies the doctrine of the Trinity, denies the existence of hell, and says that 95% of churches teaching the rapture will accept the Antichrist as savior.  He states that Eve had sexual relations with Satan.  He made a false prophecy in the 1970's when he predicted the Antichrist would appear before 1981.  He subscribes to the false doctrine of Anglo-Israelism (or British-Israelism) which is the belief that the British, Americans and Canadians are the true descendants of the so-called lost 10 tribes of ancient Israel.  He claims to have a doctorate, but refuses to publicly state where he earned his degree.  He claims his credentials are his ability to teach God's Word, which means interpreting verses in light of his pre-conceived ideas.  Anyone who disagrees with him is called a false teacher.
David Noebel President of Summit Ministries at summit.org, he is an author, editor, conference speaker and ordained minister. He is recognized as an expert on worldview analysis and the decline of morality and spirituality in Western civilization.  He travels worldwide lecturing in high schools, universities and churches.  He has been a guest on numerous national radio and television programs, and has been a candidate for the U.S. Congress.  He has authored a number of books on understanding the times, focusing on the 15 to 25 year-old generation.
Roger Oakland Founder of Understanding the Times International at understandthetimes.org, he proclaims that the Scriptures are the key to understanding the past, the present and the future.  His gifting is to make difficult Bible subjects understandable.  He is an author, speaker, publisher and Bible prophecy expert.
Charles Pack He founded Thy Kingdom Come, Inc., and is widely recognized as a pioneer in Christian television, teaching Bible prophecy in his 20-year television ministry.  He also founded the Tulsa International Prophecy Conference and was co-host with Phillip Goodman on the "Prophecy Watch" television program before his retirement in 2004.  He has taken more than two dozen trips to Israel, Russia and Babylon (Iraq).  He has also authored dozens of booklets on Bible prophecy.  He built a reputation as a scholar, author, conference speaker and respected prophecy teacher.
David C. Pack Pastor General of the Restored Church of God (RCG) which he founded after the Global Church of God (GCG) "disfellowshipped" him.  He claims to stand for "precision of doctrine" and claims to know what the "true church" is today.  Another offshoot of Herbert Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God, he is another "founder" of a growing number of so-called "true churches" in America.  He states that the two witnesses of Revelation will come out of his church,½, wilk will come under his supervision, and that he will train them for their 3½ year mission on earth.  He broadcasts the television program "The World to Come" and offers "The Real Truth" magazine at thercg.org.
Garrett (Gary) P. Parrish A Reformed thinker and writer, he is a preterist to the core.  His eccentric theology and eschatology are examples of "I think therefore I'm right" syndrome, and the ailment "I know the truth because I read the Scriptures correctly."  He claims to have "rightly divided the Word of God," a similar tactic used by Mormons and Seventh-Day Adventists.  He says the pre-tribulation rapture position is "man-pleasing," and therefore he is a God-pleaser because he teaches against it.  He tries to disguise his acceptance of preterism (or replacement theology-the Church replaced Israel) by calling it "expansionist theology."  He touts we are not living in the last days according to Isaiah 9:7 and Heb. 13:20 which state "the increase of His government will have no end, and is an everlasting covenant."  He believes the tribes of Israel are no longer with us based on Rev. 1:7 (a verse about the Second Coming).  Thus, later descriptions of the twelve tribes in Revelation 7 and 14 are meaningless, since Revelation is a past event in his theology.  Apparently those living in Israel today just made up their nationality.  He hosts the radio program "Bible Prophecy Fulfilled," and directs bibleprophecyfulfilled.org.
David Pawson British Bible scholar and internationally acclaimed author, he is considered a world-class prophecy teacher.  His teaching reaches around the world through television, radio, books and audio programs.  He often teaches on location in Israel during Jewish festivals and holidays, and states that when he has to choose between Scripture, church tradition or what's popular, he always sides with Scripture.  He is a defender of Christian Zionism, affirming that God has brought the Jewish people back to Palestine.
Tony Pearce British founder and editor of Light for the Last Days magazine and lightforthelastdays.co.uk, he is a former instructor of foreign languages turned Bible prophecy researcher and author.  He has written a number of books and articles on the end-times, and is a respected teacher and speaker.   
J. Dwight Pentecost Distinguished professor of Bible Exposition, Emeritus, at Dallas Theological Seminary, one of only two so honored, he has been an influential voice in evangelical circles.  He is a respected authority on Bible prophecy, particularly the pre-tribulation rapture, millennium and the Kingdom of God.  Having written 19 books, he is a respected author, theologian, scholar, teacher, lecturer and pastor.
Donald Perkins He is founder and president of According To Prophecy Ministries and an ordained minister.  His website,  according2prophecy.org, is designed to present Bible prophecy with a simple approach.  Having created easy to understand prophecy charts, he is also a staff instructor on Bible prophecy at Immanuel Bible College in San Diego, CA.  He is a respected conference speaker, radio host, scholar, teacher, pastor and author.
Richard H. Perry He is a staunch defender and debater of the rapture taking place at the end of the tribulation period.  His teachings are similar to those of Irvin Baxter, applying major events of today to the seals of Revelation.  He claims the first seal of Revelation was opened on September 11, 2001.  He says the Lord told him to write the book, "The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Last Days," which he claims is one of the best books ever written on Bible prophecy.  He graciously explains how to correctly handle the Word of Truth at lastdaysmystery.info.
Jimmy Phillips He believes Bible prophecy is history written in advance, and is considered an authority on the topic.  He has developed a powerful prophecy teaching ministry, and has traveled to world to preach on these topics.  He an author, pastor, missionary and seminar speaker.  He also directs jimmyphillipsprophecy.org.
David Picos Director of Lion and Lamb Ministry (not to be confused with Lamb and Lion Ministries), he offers extensive teaching on popular Bible prophecy topics, including the rapture, tribulation period and the book of Revelation.  His websites lionandlambministry.com and lionandlambtv.com offer video teaching as well.  He is a lecturer, minister  and prophecy scholar.
Dennis Pollack Founder of Spirit of Grace Ministries, he is also an assistant to David Reagan of Lamb & Lion Ministries.  He joined that ministry because it was not based upon speculation or weird claims that cannot be proven by the Scriptures, but rather on solid Biblical analysis of prophetic truth and the days in which we live.  After many years of intensive study of the Bible, he felt led to teach on many topics, including Bible prophecy as a practical application in ministry.  He offers commentary and various media downloads at sogmin.org, and is a scholar, speaker, author and pastor.
Jacob Prasch Director of Moriel Ministries and moriel.org, teaches we are in the last days approaching the return of Christ.  He believes that contemporary events in the Middle East, the moral deterioration of society, the destruction of the environment, the globalization of the world economy, the rise of a pseudo-democratic Europe, and above all the apostasy in the contemporary church, are all events of prophetic significance eschatologically.  He is a Hebrew-speaking evangelist to the Jews and a Bible teacher elaborating on the original Judeo-Christian background and hermeneutics of the New Testament in the U.K.
J. Randall Price President of World of the Bible Ministries in San Marcos, which he founded in 1993.  An expert on Biblical archaeology related to Israel, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount in current events and prophecy.  He is a pastor, archaeologist, author, and carries on an extensive writing and conference ministry, speaking all over the United States each year.  Many resources on these subjects are on his website at worldofthebible.com.
Dave Reagan One of the nicest people you'll ever meet, he is a foremost Bible prophecy expert.  He is founder of Lamb & Lion Ministries, and host of the national television program, "Christ in Prophecy."  He publishes the monthly magazine "Lamplighter," and offers outstanding resources on Bible prophecy topics at lamblion.com.  He is a respected scholar, teacher, author, publisher and captivating conference speaker.
Joel Richardson Having studied Muslim eschatology extensively, he makes the case that the biblical Antichrist is one and the same as the Koran's Muslim Mahdi, but argues we should not be expecting the Antichrist to emerge from a revived Roman Empire, associated with the Roman Catholic Church and the European Union.  He suggests the Antichrist's empire will consist only of nations that are Islamic. He claims Rome never actually conquered Babylon and was thus disqualified as a possibility.  It had to be another empire that rose and fell and rose again that would lead to rule of this "man of sin," described in the Bible.  He says that empire is the Islamic empire, which did conquer Babylon and, in fact, rules over it even today.  He is an author, scholar, conference speaker, and is founder and director of Joel's Trumpet at joelstrumpet.com.
Pat Robertson Noted for numerous false predictions, he claims that God gave him a mission, not to be a religious leader but to be an educator who would influence the center of our culture "from God's perspective."  Has also claimed that God chose him "to usher in the coming of My Son."  In 1982 and again in 1984 he predicted the tribulation period would begin in those years.  On his 700 Club program he stated, "Anything coming through man is contaminated to some extent.  Therefore, since the Bible came through man, there must be errors in it.  So, we must never equate the Bible with the perfect Jesus."  Scripturally confused, prophetically baffled, not sound in doctrine. Sticks his foot in his mouth such as "God judges isolated areas due to sin" ie. New York, New Orleans, Haiti
Michael Rood Noted for his ordination in The Way International in the 1970s, he is a doomsday prophet who denies the deity of Jesus Christ.  He also claims Jesus is not "legally obligated" to rapture Christians before the tribulation period, as the Church is "fully deceived" at this time.  He once predicted that a seventh millennium of earth's existence would begin on September 11, 1999, initiating "intermediate events" that amounted to a seven year tribulation.  These events were to include the collapse of the world economy, the appearance of the Antichrist, the establishment of a global government, an attack on Israel, and more.  Though he was wrong, he still claims to be correct on the end-times.  He hosts a television program called "Rood Awakening" where he is dressed in Middle Eastern garb, wears a long beard, and sometimes has a staff.  A self-proclaimed Messianic preacher, he claims that he alone teaches accurately and that following him and his teachings are the way out of deception.   
August Rosado Directs "Today In Bible Prophecy Ministries" and todayinbibleprophecy.org.  He is dedicated to preaching the fundamental truths of end-time Bible prophecy.  The ministry strives for doctrinal purity in defending the pre-tribulation rapture view.  He is pro-Israel and strongly believes in the Jewish people's right to exist in the land God gave to them (Gen 12:1-3).  He is a seminar speaker, pastor, teacher and host of a Bible prophecy discussion radio program.
Joel C. Rosenberg He is a New York Times best-selling novelist, and a sought after media commentator.  He has been a consultant to many business and government leaders, including an assistant to Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu.  A Bible prophecy expert, he is an evangelical Christian from an Orthodox Jewish heritage, and has written a number of end-times novels focusing on militant Islam and Bible prophecy.  He is an author, conference speaker, and founder of the Joshua Fund at joelrosenberg.com.
Marvin J. Rosenthal A long-time Bible preacher and teacher, he is one of the most outspoken proponents of Robert Van Kampen's "pre-wrath" rapture theory which claims we all go up sometime before the seventh trumpet of Revelation ensues.  This view is somewhere between mid- and post-tribulational, sometimes called the three-quarters rapture view.  He is executive director of Zion's Hope and founder of The Holy Land Experience, a living biblical museum in Orlando, Florida.  He serves as editor of Zion's Fire, a monthly magazine claiming to deal with Israel and the Prophetic Word, found at zionsfire.org and zionshope.org.  As an author of many books, he appears to be prophetically confused, endorsing prophecy books by preterist Hank Hanegraaff and Seventh-Day Adventist Steve Wohlberg (and almost any book against the pre-tribulation rapture).
Charles Ryrie As a highly respected scholar he has served in several capacities throughout his career, and has written several books.  He is author of The Ryrie Study Bible, a popular volume for evangelicals.  He is a powerful Bible prophecy teacher, and is a defender of dispensational theology.  He is a noted theologian, professor and lecturer, and is invited to speak at several churches and conferences annually.
Bill Salus Having a strong calling to discern Bible prophecies applicable for today, Bill came to the inescapable conclusion that the Bible has many unfulfilled prophecies intended for today's international audience.  He also believes prophecy is not just for the scholarly, but also for every layman.  His challenging book "ISRALESTINE" contrasts ancient Hebrew prophecies, where he presents the coming fulfillment of Psalm 83, setting the stage for the Ezekiel 38 (Gog/Magog) showdown with Israel.  He is an eschatology researcher, speaker, teacher, author and host of Prophecy Update Radio.
Chris Schang Founder of Rapture Forums at raptureforums.com, a comprehensive website covering topics surrounding the rapture of the Church events of the last days.  He offers an excellent selection of virtual chat, links, and Bible study, along with "The Rapture and End Times Report" focusing on world news and commentary.
Cyrus I. Scofield He was a lecturer, minister, scholar and theologian in the late 1800s and early 1900s.  He authored the Scofield Reference Bible, which greatly influenced several generations of evangelicals and prophecy scholars.  His work probably did more to extend the pre-tribulation rapture view and premillennialism (meaning Jesus will literally return to the earth before the Millennium begins) than any other.  This accounts for the many attempts to discredit Scofield's work and personally attack his character (he was known to be rough around the edges).  Apparently his personal flaws did not allow God to use him, so his critics erroneously contend.
Jeffrey Seif He is a ministry professional who has worn many hats, including professor, senior pastor and police chaplain.  He has authored a number of books and publications.  The son of a Holocaust survivor, he has also served as a missionary to the Jews.  He was appointed successor at Zola Levitt Ministries after the death of Zola.  He hosts the television program "Zola Levitt Presents" with Zola's widow, Sandra Levitt.  
Joseph A. Seiss Described by some as the one of the greatest prophecy scholars who ever lived, he helped popularize the  re-emerging eschatology of dispensational premillennialism through the late 19th century.  He wrote of the appearance of a personal Antichrist, the restoration of the Jews to Palestine, the material nature of the new heavens and new earth, and the translation of the saints (what he called the "deathless rapture").  He argued a twofold coming of Christ:  one for His church (the rapture) and the Second Coming with His church.  His idea of a pre-tribulation rapture was defined by initial "firstfruits," based on the biblical principle of rewards that promises some believers a removal prior to the tribulation, such as the Philadelphia church, but no others.  He argued the Philadelphia church is the only one of seven churches that the Lord promises a way out of the tribulation through an open door.  "I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name."  Revelation 3:8.
Rodrigo Silva Born in Brazil in 1979, he came to the United States in 1998 and eventually became an ardent student of Bible prophecy.  He directs the website, "Bible Prophecy in the News" at bibleprophecyinthenews.com where the focus is on current events as they relate to the end time scenario foretold in the Scriptures.  The website also contains a number of prophecy related articles and perspectives.  He offers a well-researched article on the pre-tribulation rapture.    
Walid Shoebat Best known in Christian circles as a former PLO terrorist, he became an ardent critic of Islam and supporter of Israel in the mid-1990s after embracing Christianity.  He often speaks at Bible prophecy conferences about the Israeli-Arab conflict, stating that it is not about geography, but about hatred of Jews.  He is a regular guest expert on national media talk shows.  He has written several books, is a lecturer, public speaker and advocate for Israel.
Chuck Smith Sr. Known best for his leadership in the Calvary Chapel denomination which teaches prophecy topics from the pulpit on a regular basis.  During the 1970s he mistakenly taught the rapture was likely to take place by Fall of 1981, based on his interpretation of the parable of the fig tree.  He later recanted and now rejects date setting, and he has even condemned other ministers for doing so.  He is host of "The Word for Today" radio program, and "To Every Man an Answer" live call-in radio show.  Each New Year's Eve he gives a prophecy update for the coming year, available at twft.com.  He is an author, teacher, pastor and speaker.
Larry Spargimino Foremost critic of preterism, talented defender of the literal interpretation of the Bible prophecy.  He is a pastor, teacher, author, broadcaster, and can be heard on Southwest Radio Church's "Watchman on the Wall" broadcast, including webcasts on swrc.com.
Steven Spillman He is an expert on Israel's search for oil, and is one of a few authors to explain why Russia will likely attack Israel to "capture spoil" as described in Ezekiel 38.  He is founder of True Potential Publishing and tppress.com, and is an active writer and businessman.  His book on the evidence for oil in Israel was co-authored with this late father, evangelist James Spillman, also a noted prophecy scholar and author.  
R.C. Sproul Founder of Ligonier Ministries and ligonier.org, he is probably the best known supporter of preterism.  He is a partial preterist, meaning that the events of most of the book of Revelation occurred during the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D., yet he still believes there will be a future bodily return of Jesus Christ.  A difficult, confusing model of Bible prophecy, few scholars accept this form of eschatology which has roots in liberal Covenant theology.  He is a scholar, pastor, teacher, conference speaker and author.  He writes against the pre-tribulation rapture position. Strict Calvinist
Gerald B. Stanton A noted Bible scholar, he has been praised in several Christian publications for his writing.  Moody Monthly noted his book on the rapture, "Kept from the Hour," stands as "one of the most important defenses of the pre-tribulation viewpoint," and Left Behind author Dr. Tim LaHaye has said he has worn out three copies of it.  Also a member of the Pre-Trib Research Group, he is a scholar, theologian, author and teacher.
Gary Stearman He is co-host of "Prophecy in the News" television program.  Having authored dozens of books and articles, he is a scholar, teacher and speaker.  He edits "Prophecy In The News" magazine, a cutting-edge periodical on eschatology, available at prophecyinthenews.com. Falls into sensational reporting with J.R. Church
Ray C. Stedman Late pastor and scholar, he is considered one of the foremost biblical expositors of the twentieth century.  A prolific author, he was considered an authority on Bible prophecy, having taught extensively on the subject.  With a photographic memory, those close to him noted his humble personality overshadowed any hint of a remarkable intellect.  An ardent and faithful supporter of the Jewish people and the State of Israel, he taught on understanding the relationships between Christians and Jews.  His library can be found at raystedman.org.
Perry Stone A charismatic prophecy teacher, he ties Jewish traditions in with current prophetic events.  He asserts the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) and the traditional Hebrew wedding both depict the rapture.  His teachings are sometimes on the fringe, challenging prophecy buffs and scholars alike.  Perry is host of "Manna-fest" television program, director of Voice of Evangelism ministries, and often teaches on location in Israel during tours. Perry is an author, scholar, pastor, teacher and convicting speaker. Adds extra biblical personal opinions to teachings.
Todd Strandberg Founder and fearless leader of raptureready.com,  His prophecy website is consistently viewed and discussed on rr-bb.com.  A strong defender of the pre-tribulation rapture, Todd has delivered a great amount of pre-trib rapture support to prophesy.  He maintains the rapture index, and has a great list of good and bad apples of Bible prophecy.  He can be seen at many prophecy conferences. Todd once wrestled a Kodiak bear to the ground without weapons or assistance. Todd lives next door to his neighbor Terry James and is stalked by a large Buzzard.
Hilton Sutton Founder of Hilton Sutton World Ministries, he is an author, pastor and an outstanding Bible prophecy teacher.  Though a respected prophecy expert, he has stated that "new Christians don't have any valuable input, and when they try to tell me something, I tell them to sit down and shut up and maybe they'll learn something from me."  This attitude continues on his website at hilton-sutton.org, where it states, "He is in great demand as a speaker for churches, Bible colleges, national and international conventions and for radio and television audiences," and "Hilton's over fifty-two years of study and preaching the prophecies of the Scripture qualify him as the senior prophetic teacher of our day."  We should all be so humble.
Kevin R. Swift  Founder of Focus on the Prophecies Ministries, he claims to have seriously studied and combined the books of Daniel and Revelation from which a time chart of events emerged, a chart never seen before.  When he discovered that time periods in the books of Daniel and Revelation merge into a prophetic chart, he later realized the chart fit between Jewish Festivals, which is found at focusontheprophecies.org.  He would eventually move his beliefs into a tribulational model of the pre-wrath rapture.  This rapture event comes after the sixth seal is opened (Revelation 6:12), when the moon is turned into blood, just before the wrath of God is loosed on earth in the seventh seal.  This could best be described as a "just-in-time rapture."  He authored a book entitled "Appointed Times & Seasons Calendar, Divine Dates of End-Time Disaster & Deliverance" which further explains his eschatology. 
Paul Thigpen  He is a former evangelical turned Catholic who claims to be an ex-fundamentalist and one-time rapture advocate.  He wrote a book for ordinary Catholics looking for answers about the end-times, which attacks the pre-tribulation rapture.  He believes many unsuspecting Catholics have gotten caught in the "rapture trap" mostly due to the "Left Behind" book series by Dr. Tim LaHaye.  He claims that many protestants, without adequate religious training, accept LaHaye's teaching--"hook, line, and rapture."  A student of Bible prophecy will find the Catholic view of prophecy is generally allegorical (non-literal), so therefore a literal rapture event would be a foreign concept.
Jack Van Impe  Highly intelligent with many years of teaching prophecy.  He is founder of Jack Van Impe Ministries International, and is listed as "who's who" amongst intellectuals, is called "The Walking Bible," and claims to have been honored with doctoral degrees from twelve leading seminaries and Bible colleges.  He is a great defender of the pre-tribulation rapture view, but has made false predictions regarding the Second Coming.  He manipulates current events to make them fit his own timelines, which can be sensational.  He is host of the television program, "Jack Van Impe Presents" (with wife Rexella), publishes "Perhaps Today" magazine, is an author, speaker, and produces various media on prophecy topics at jvim.com.  With a large global outreach, he worries about offending viewers, thus his critics claim he has compromised the faith by defending Catholics and Muslims, which is why some have said he is a "master of memory, minister of compromise." A date setter and hastily pin points current events as Revelation events. 
Robert Van Kampen Late founder of the Van Kampen Merrit investment firm, he became exceedingly wealthy and used his money to promote his version of eschatology.  He founded Sola Scriptura, and owned one of the largest private collections of biblical manuscripts in the world.  He claimed to have spent more that 10,000 hours searching the Bible to make sense of prophecy.  He authored three books after developing the "pre-wrath" theory which says the rapture will take place just before the battle of Armageddon (almost a post-tribulation rapture event).  Though he did gain a strong following, a majority of scholars find his work confusing and riddled with contradictions. 
Paul Van Noy Though not well known, he is a diligent dispensational teacher, conference speaker, scholar and pastor.  Dispensationalism is distinguished by three key principles:  (1) a clear distinction between God's plan for Israel and God's plan for the Church; (2) a consistent and regular use of a literal principle of interpretation; and (3) the understanding of the purpose of God as His own glory rather than the salvation of mankind only.  Last days events go like this:  the rapture → the tribulation → Armageddon → the Day of the Lord (Second Coming of Christ with His Saints) → the millennium → last judgment → eternity → new heaven and new earth.  He developed the Van Noy model of dispensations and judgments, found at candlelightfellowship.org.  
Ed F. Vallowe Late pastor and scholar with more than 50 years of ministry, he was considered an authority on Bible prophecy, having taught extensively on the books of Daniel and Revelation.  He authored several books with charts and diagrams, and was a highly sought Bible conference prophecy teacher, having held over 1,900 Bible prophecy conferences in his lifetime.  He was also an expert on Biblical mathematics and the mathematics of the Torah, including numbers of the Bible and their meaning. He was also an accomplished artist.
Joe VanKoevering Host of the weekly syndicated television "God's News Behind The News," he is internationally known as a Bible prophecy expert and speaker.  He regularly hosts prophecy conferences with other Bible prophecy experts (many of whom are listed on this website).  However, in 2005 he claimed Prince EL- Hassan bin Talal of Jordan, who is the 42nd generation direct descendant of the prophet Mohammad, was the Antichrist.  As well, he sometimes zealously bashes those he disagrees with, leading to the appearance of pride.  He is an author, excellent speaker, pastor and director of godsnews.com.
Walter J. Veith He is a zoologist and scientist who correctly believes the theory of evolution does not provide a plausible explanation of our origins.  Having written a number of books, he found through his Seventh-Day Adventist faith that Bible prophecy plays a major role in understanding ecological decline in the world.  Along with his research which concentrates on animal disease transferal to man, he has become an ardent student of prophecy.  When we put it all together, it's Seventh-Day Adventism all wrapped up in a nice package.  In typical SDA style, dazzling videos and lectures can be found on his website at amazingdiscoveries.org.
John F. Walvoord Late head of Dallas Theological Seminary, probably one of the most respected Bible prophecy scholars of the 20th century.  He was a prolific author, teacher, professor and lecturer.  He wrote several books on end-times and prophecy, and was a noted scholar and theologian having influenced many evangelicals.  He is considered perhaps the world's foremost interpreter of biblical prophecy.  He was still studying before passing at 92 years.
Tim Warner Founder of The Pristine Faith Restoration Society, a group of dedicated Christians "determined to research and promote the beliefs and practices of pristine Christianity."  He is a well-studied post-tribulationist, and argues for the post-tribulation rapture position.  He is a well-known debater against the pre-tribulation rapture position (which he calls a "myth"), is an author, and is head of The Post-Trib Research Center and answersinrevelation.org.  With volumes of information his views are argued well, but scholars contend he must first discredit scriptures that indicate there will be a pre-tribulation rapture.  That, in turn, discredits his theories which do not hold up under close scrutiny.  On a positive note, he argues against preterism.
Ronald Weinland Former minister in the Worldwide Church of God (WCG), then a minister in the United Church of God (UCG), he now heads the Church of God - Preparing for the Kingdom of God (PKG).  His church observes the 7th day Sabbath and the seven annual holy days in Leviticus 23, with a purpose to support, educate, and warn the scattered Church that was formerly united in the Worldwide Church of God.  Several years ago he declared himself a prophet.  He now claims to be the pastor of God's Church on earth, and is appointed to be God's final end-time prophet to the world.  He also claims to be one of the two witnesses of Revelation 11, and that he will be slain in Jerusalem.  More of this utter nonsense can be found at cog-pkg.org and ronaldweinland.com.
Charles Wheeling An author and publisher, he is founder of Charles Wheeling Prophecy Seminars.  He publishes brochures, books, media, and has an email newsletter "News From the Desk of Charles Wheeling," containing news headlines and his views of current prophetic events.  He also produces ProphecyQuest, an online blog.  He believes that the writings of Ellen White, founder of the Seventh-Day Adventist movement, are for our day because she believed that she was living in the last days.  He also writes against some of the prophetic teachings of White, creating adversaries amongst fellow Adventists who claim his method of interpretation is in direct opposition to theirs.  He claims that long established errors have prevented a correct SDA interpretation in prophecy.  Modern Bible prophecy scholars contend White was a not only a false "prophetess," but led thousands of Christians into confusion about Bible prophecy and the end-times.  
David Wilkerson Best known for his popular book "The Cross and the Switchblade" he has been a prominent predictor of end-time events.  Sadly, many of his numerous doomsday predictions have never come true, making him a significant false prophet.  Since the 1970s he has consistently written about the destruction of America.  Many turn to him for prophetic wisdom, confused over Bible prophecy vs. prophetic predictions.  Wilkerson is known to avoid Bible prophecy topics, rather suggesting a "pan-rapture" theology, meaning "if we trust in Jesus, it will all pan out."
Steve Wohlberg Author of several books and articles, and contributor to "Amazing Facts," he is another misguided teacher who focuses on attacking the pre-tribulation rapture view, even though it is widely accepted by mainstream prophecy scholars of today.  Seventh-Day Adventists believe the rapture takes place at the end of the tribulation period, common with other groups that teach confusing, sometimes bizarre interpretations of prophecy.  He heads endtimeinsights.com, a Seventh-Day Adventist website focused on their version of Bible prophecy.
Stephen Yulish Highly respected for his prophecy knowledge and Biblical acumen, he is one of the very few Messianic Jews and prophecy scholars who tackles the truth about UFOs, aliens, fallen angels, demons, Nephilim and their ranks.  Additionally, his scholarly articles point to the increasing fascination with psychics, remote viewers, out of body experiences, astral projection, abductions, the paranormal, and other occult topics.  He is an author, professor, scholar and researcher, taking to heart the reality of Ephesians 6:12.

Below is a list of other past and present Bible prophecy scholars, authors, teachers and pastors who have either authored books, written articles and publications, offered online opinions, or produced various media and websites. Jesus is our judge, so please understand this is only a reference.
Danny Akin,  Jocelyn Andersen, Sir Robert Anderson, Phil Arms, Mark Bailey, Roland Back, David Bay, Malcolm Beirnes, William Beirnes, Paul Benware, Douglas Berner,  W.E. Blackstone, Charles Blair, Harry Bollback, William Bousset, James H. Brookes, Ray Brubaker, Matt Buff, Ken Burge, Dillon Burroughs, Kirk Cameron, Ergun Caner, Bill Carmichael,  Charles T. Chapman,  David Cloud, James Combs, Jerome Corsi, Jon Courson, W.A. Criswell, Billy Crone, Larry V. Crutchfield, Tom Davis, John DeBrine, M.R. DeHaan, Timothy Demy, Greg Dinallo, Charles Dyer, Howard C. Estep,  Joseph Farah, Charles Lee Feinberg, Paul Feinberg, Deborah Fenech, Jim Fletcher, John Fok, Todd Friel, Joel Froese, John R. Funk, Emil Gaverluk, Steven Ger, Britt Gillette, Sharon Gilbert, Joseph Good, Peter D. Goodgame, Dan Goodwin, Robert Gromacki,  Wilfred Hahn, Allen Haislip, John G. Hall, Mordicai F. Ham, Gary Hedrick, John Henry, Jack Hibbs, J. Michael Hile, Thomas Horn, Jason Hommel, Curtis Hudson, Gary Hulin, Zev Isaacs, William T. James, Joe Jordan, Floyd Jones, Manfred Kober, Bob Kollin, George Konig, Woodrow Kroll, Paul Lalonde, R.G. Lee, Norbert Lieth, Robert Lightner, Robert Lindsted, Herbert Lockyer, John Loeffler,  Erwin Lutzer, John MacArthur, Frank Marotta, Ron Matsen, Steven McAvoy, William S. McBirnie, Matthew McGee, Edwin Lutzer, Josh McDowell, Peggy McIlveene, T.A. McMahon, Elwood McQuaid, John McTernan, Britt Merrick, Dwight L. Moody, Gerald Murphy, Randy Neal, Keith Patterson, Paige Patterson, Chris Perver, Bob Phillips, John Phillips, Bill Pierce, Fritz Porter, Doug Powell, Ron Rhodes, John R. Rice, John Richards, Ron Riffe, David Allen Rivera, Jerry Robinson, Adrian Rogers, Lynette Schaefer, Joseph A. Seiss, Vaughn Shatzer, Jack Shelton, Renald Showers, J.B. Smith, James Spillman, John Sproule,  Graham Stanton, Dan Stolebarger, Lehman Strauss, R. Alan Streett, Joseph Stowell,  Louis Talbot, Charles R. Taylor, John L. Terry III, George Theis, Tracy Tramm, Amir Tsarfati, Merrill Unger, Jerry Vines, Charles Wagner, John E. Walvoord, Bill Waugh, John Whitcomb, Warren Wiersbe, Jason Woelm, Andy Woods, Kenneth Wuest, Rick Wynn, Alan Yusko, Roy Zuck  
Randy Alcorn, Mike Bennett, Morris Cerullo, Frank Claw, Richard A. Coombes, Shelby Corbitt, Dr. James Dobson, Jerry Falwell, Steve Hadley, Salem Kirban, Colene Ledford, Bob Larson, Don Love, David W. Lowe, Beth Moore, Derek Prince, Francis M. Riley, Sid Roth, Charles Stanley, David J. Stewart, Lester Sumerall, Chuck Swindoll, Kenneth N. Taylor, John Tng
Marilyn Agee, Mick Alexander, John Amos, Garner Ted Armstrong, Robert Barbaria, Nelson H. Barbour, Suzanne Basso-Hamrick, Gregory Beale, William E. Bell, Monica Bennett-Ryan, Steven Benning, David Berg, Roger Best, Mike Bickle, Mark Biltz, Art Braidic, John L. Bray, Sheila Busby-Sternberg, Dave Bussard, Alan Campbell, Clay Cantrell, Robert Caringola, Carn Catherwood, Elbert Charpie, Hon-Ming Chen, Reginald Cherry, John Class, Bill Cloud, Charles Cooper, Wade Cox, William F. (Bill) Dankenbring, Ronald L. Dart, Trevor Davis, Sam Dawson, Bill Deagle, Tom Deckard, Pam Dewey, Vince Diehl, Joseph Dillow, Mark Driscoll, Scot Dryer, Dumitru Duduman, Dan Dudley, David A. Duke, Bill Elder (Weatherbill), David Vaughn Elliott, James Ellis, J.D. Faust, Gavin Finley, Mark Finley, LeAnn Flesher, Desmond Ford, Michael D. Fortner, Francis Frangipane, Samuel Frost, Roy Gane, John Gerstner, Keith D. Gilbert, Joel C. Graves, Robert M. Hamrick, David Hare, Larry D. Harper, Dave Havir, Darryl Henson, Zane Hodges, Jeffrey Horton, Michael Horton, David Hulme, John W. Johnston, Rick Joyner, Monte Judah, Lynn R. Kern, John D. Keyser, Max R. King, Ken Klein, Doug Krieger, Manfred Kober, Bernie Koerselman, Robert L. Kramer, Doug Krieger, Peter Kulakov, George E. Ladd, Jeffrey A. Manty, Cotton Mather, Gary McDade, Dene McGriff, Tim McHyde, John K. McKee, Tom McNeil,  Joyce Meyer, Monte Kim Miller, Louis Moesta, Don Montgomery, Douglas J. Moo, Robert Mounce, Michael Murphy, Dennis Murray, H.L. Nigro, John Noe, Richard W. Noone, Gary North, Brian O'Connell, John H. Ogwyn, David C. Pack, Doug Perry, Gary Petty, W. Larry Pharr, Charles D. (Chuck) Pierce, A.W. Pink, John Piper, Peter Popoff, Don K. Preston, Joye Pugh, Steve Quayle, Roland Rasmussen, Robert Roenspies, Barbara Rossing, Peter Ruckman, Richard Ruhling, Charles Taze Russell, James Stuart Russell, R. Benton Ruth, Lance Ryan, Don Salerno, Fernando Saravi, Michael Scheifler, Lynn Louise Schuldt, Jonathan Selby, Steve Shearer, Steven L. Sherman, Wendell Slattery, David J. Smith, Oswald J. Smith, Bill Somers, Wayne Stenhouse, Matthew Stevens, Ed Tarkowski, Tom Van Asperen, Ken Wade, Charles Peter Wagner, Glen Walker, Ronn Walker, Ron Wallace, Harry Walther, Rick Warren, Dave Watchman, Gary Waterlaus, Ken Westby, Rick Wiles, Robert Wilkin, Wayne Winter, Edgar C. Whisenant Jr., Jim Wilhelmsen, Ralph Woodrow, Ray Wooten, John Yonge, Kermit Zarley, Warren Zehrung, Sabbatas Zevi